
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Just got the new DLC. So far its pretty good, for the most part. Haven't gotten to play the SO stuff yet, waiting for my son to play it with me.
The new MP map, Oasis is pretty complicated looking at first but once you find your way around its fun.
The Face Off stuff is very underwhelming with not anti camper system in place. Plus if you or your teammate (or both) sucks, its not fun at all. The maps are nice looking, but I'm not a fan, don't think I'll be playing this game type. Its definitely not something I'd buy without playing first. So luckly two of the maps are free to public.

So as of now its decent but not nearly as fun as Collection 1.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Black Ops 2 Reveal Traler

Not sure who cares, but Black Ops 2 has been revealed:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sanctuary camping spot

Here's an area I stumbled across. Either watch this spot for campers or camp here your self. It's near the C flag in DOM.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sanctuary & Foundation MP Maps

Finally some maps worth playing.

Sanctuary has to be my favorite of the two. Multiple paths to each objective and plenty of places to take cover for a moment. It feels pretty big, just because of all the different ways to get to place to place.

Foundation is kind of fun, seems like it's like a ground level version of Overwatch, but more fun. There's a nice vantage point in the middle of the map, but with very little cover.

If they keep up with maps like these two then future maps should be awesome.

Here's a little preview of each:

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Don't play angry.

The old saying "cooler heads will prevail" has a lot of truth to it.
If you want to do well in this game your best bet is to remain calm and have fun. First and foremost, its a game. If you're getting too pissed, just put the controller down and walk away for a few minutes.
No point in staying upset over that death 3 games ago, just take it and forget it. Its done, no changing it now.
So instead of throwing your controller or punching some nearby object, go to your local dollar store and buy one of those kids punching ballon things and punch that all you want when you get mad. That way you don't hurt yourself or anyone else.
Note to Activision: sell some COD punching bags.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bolling Quits

I'm a bit late on the news, but I've recently quit smoking so give me a break.

Robert Bowling, resigned from Infinity Ward and Activision.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spell check is awesome.

We've all had our moments when we mis-type something and the world sees it. here's something funny I found on the Official MW3 DLC Season Overview.

ATTN: Non-Elite Premium Members: DLC Coming your way.

If you are not a Elite Premium Member, you have some DLC coming to purchase on XBOX Live on March 30th. (PS3 has no release date at this time) As far as I can tell, the price is $14.99 through Best Buy, for the digital download version. Can't seem to find the XBL price, but I'm guessing it'll be around 1800 msp.  Also if you are currently a Elite Premium Member you already have Collection #1.

Collection #1 includes:

Multiplayer maps:
Black Box

And SpecOps missions:
Black Ice

Sub1 season 3 league games.

Just had my first practice with most of the team I'm on this season. Looking like a good team, solid players, good communication. I'm going try and step up my game this season to keep up with the rest of the team.

I'll probably post some videos of highlights from the games or if anyone on the team records a full game and uploads it I'll embed that.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today we received 3 new pieces of DLC. The spec-ops missions Negotiator and Black Ice, as well as the MP map Black Box. 

The SpecOps missions are really fun. Black Ice is kind of short and easy, but insanely fun. Riding on a snowmobile for half the mission is a great change of pace. With two players you can choose who drive the snowmobile and who rides on back.

Negotiator is a little harder, you have to save hostages with an onsault of enemies trying to kill you and the hostages. Its fun, but really difficult to know where some of the gun fire is coming from.

Black box is like Liberation but smaller. Tons of camping/sniping spots. Seems like yet another DLC I won't be playing.

Overall I think I'll play Black Ice the most, with this addon, I'm looking forward to the future SpecOps DLC. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


gives a tip on getting a MOAB quick and easy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Overwatch - Feb 21 DLC

Overwatch seems like its a pretty fun map, I plyed it on TDM and got owned.

Seems like they are not going to do anything to stop campers, actually seems like they are making it easier for them with maps like Liberation and Overwatch.

At first this maps is a little overwhelming, with all the places you can go, but it comes pretty easily to figure out your way around.

So far its the best DLC we have gotten.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

news and stuffs.

been taking a break from MW3, I have only been playing on clan league game days. I don't want to get too burned out on the game.

Today I had a look around and saw a few things on the Official site.

New map on Feb 21, Overwatch. Looks pretty cool, kinda like hardhat with multiple levels. I see a lot of sniper and rocket users coming.

They have a content calendar for upcoming DLC for premium members of Elite. [link]
It appears to be 12 maps, 6 Spec-ops missions, and 3 "Classified" pieces

also all the PS3 Elite Premium members will be getting their DLC (Piazza and Liberation maps) on Feb 28 [link]

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A few things...

I want to talk about a few things that have been bothering me lately in multiplayer.

The first is how some better players talk down to new or not so good players. Personally I'm not an awesome player, but I've been getting better. There's no reason to yell at another player about their KD and tell them they are what is ruining this game. (Yes, I actually heard that today.) Not everyone is awesome when they first get into playing fps games. I sucked 3 months ago when I started, and I'm sure you did, too.

Everyone has a different skill level. If everyone played exactly the same, every game would probably end in a tie. So if you see some one who is doing badly, tell them to go on youtube and watch some game play and watch how others play and learn from it. There are too many assholes in multiplayer and that's what is really ruining the game, it makes it not fun. Also, its just a game, if you have to judge some ones self worth on a video game, then maybe you have some issues you need to deal with.

The second thing is people need to communicate more, tell people what's going on a certain part of the map. If you get ambushed when capping a flag in DOM, tell your team, let them know how many and where. This pretty much goes for any game type.

Just using your mic to tell your team how much they suck isn't doesn't make them better and automatically make them know what you think the should do. If you think you're such a great player, act like it.

Look at any pro team, the don't just sit back and bitch at their team mates and say they suck when they are losing, they communicate and try to figure out how to win.

Just some stuff for you to think about.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Getting better :)

Just had the best game of my MW3 career. I went 34-20. Now I know I'm not elite or anything, but it made me happy and that is what this game is all about; enjoyment.

I have to thank a lot of youtube commentators for helping me improve my game. If you want to get better, watch some of these guys videos, they give tips and you can learn a lot by just watching them.

youtube commentators i watch:
there's more, but i don't want to be name dropping in this post ;)

Happy gaming

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Knife only MOAB, by NinjaKnifes

This is a pretty cool video, if you haven't seen it you should check it out.

here is the link to the full unedited video of the entire match.

NinjaKnifes youtube channel

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New DLC review.

Just got done, playing DOM on Piazza, get map. You might want to change your set up a little, if you have a Reaper or AC-130 use it for things like DOM. While the flags are generally out in the open you be able to keep the enemy off your flags. But you probably won't be racking up the kills like you would in maps like Village or Mission. While this map may not be much bigger than the stock maps we had, it feels bigger, there's 5 or more routes you can take to get from one side of the map to the other, with multiple levels. so get use to taking stairs.

Liberation, this map is a snipers players dream. Tons of open space and the map feels huge. Too many camping spots plus stationary guns. definitely running with choppers and reapers or AC-130s will get you tons of kills. Domination sucks if you don't have a tight team, this would be a good Team Deathmatch map. If you want to try and get your KDR up you should try this map. It's a fun map, just frustrating.

After just being released these maps aren't popping up as much as I would have hoped and it's kind of a pain getting into games with so little people playing.

It'd be nice if these were the only ones available under the DLC MP, they are really the only reason anyone would want to go to that section. I'm thinking it's going to take some time until more people get the maps before it's easier to get into a game and play them.

Obviously they haven't fixed the spawning system, I have been spawn killed so many times in the last half hour I lost count.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Just had an awesome game, my best so far

I got done having my best game. It was super fun, and I can't believe that I topped the leaderboard on my team and 3rd over all.

and here is the stuff from elite showing the stats and what setup I had.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wondering how Weapon XP works?

before you decide to use one of your prestige tokens on the double weapon xp check out this video.

Thanks to TmarTn and Machinima Respawn for posting this. check out their youtube channels for more good videos.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Use your mic!

If you only use your mic to say "ugh, this team sucks" communicate more, don't think that the rest of the team should know what you're thinking.

When playing in randoms there is a variety of player some more experienced some less.

Teams that communicate win more often than not.

You don't need to say "they're taking A" the game already says that, but if you go there and see three guys or just one, it helps to say "three on A" then the rest of the team knows what they are up against when going there.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A look at some new content coming this year

the COD youtube page uploaded a little video showcasing some stuff coming to MW3.