I don't think some players fully understand this game mode. I constantly see people rushing the flag. While having the flag help you win faster, you don't need it to win.
From what I have seen is player who have the flag keep a small group protecting the flag they send others out to kill the other team. then you have the other team rushing in to get the flag and they just end up getting killed, helping the flag carrying team get kill streaks, thus winning the game.
You get bonus point if your team has the flag, but if your team keeps getting killed the flag is worthless. Focus less on getting the flag and focus on getting kills. If you get enough kills then drop a Predator missile on the flag carrier (if possible), then go in for the flag. And communicate. It helps
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Want to get better at MW3
Take a moment and go into theatr mode and check out the top players in the games you play. What are they doing differently than you?
Something to check out, you can learn quite a bit from watching others.
Something to check out, you can learn quite a bit from watching others.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Problem with Youtube and MW3?
Robert Bowling Tweeted:
hopefully they get it all worked out, after the holidays.
Was alerted to a YouTube backend change that has caused issues with#MW3 theater renders / uploads. We're working to address.
hopefully they get it all worked out, after the holidays.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
A Christmas gift for COD Elite premium founders
If you're a Premium Founder on COD Elite then you may have gotten this email today:
So if you got this, congrats and have fun with the double XP and the Prestige Token. So far it was totally worth the $50 for the year subscription. Thanks to Activision, Beachhead Studio and the Call of Duty ELITE team and anyone else that has been working hard on a great game and great service like Elite.
Happy Holidays from Call of Duty(r) ELITE
Thank you for being a Premium member of Call of Duty ELITE. Because you were among the first to join us, we wanted to provide you with a special gift to use in Call of Duty®: MW3 during the holidays: an additional two hours of Double XP and a Prestige Token. It's our way of thanking you for being with us at the beginning, and to wish you a happy holidays.
- Beachhead Studio and the Call of Duty ELITE team
How to redeem your gift:
2 Hours of Double XP: This has been automatically added to your account and will appear the next time you play MW3. To see the amount of Double XP time you have go to "Barracks" in MW3 and look for the gold "XP" icon at the bottom of your player stats.
Prestige Token: This token has been automatically added to your account. Use this token in the Prestige Shop to unlock perks like additional Double XP time, extra custom class slots or more. To use your token select "Barracks" from the MW3 multiplayer menu and then "Prestige Shop" from the MW3 multiplayer menu
So if you got this, congrats and have fun with the double XP and the Prestige Token. So far it was totally worth the $50 for the year subscription. Thanks to Activision, Beachhead Studio and the Call of Duty ELITE team and anyone else that has been working hard on a great game and great service like Elite.
Question to players
Why is that players like to complain about certain aspects of the game ( guns, perks, etc)?
Why not just roll with th punches? Getting killed by that guy with the shotgun every time you turn around, so you complain about how OP the gun is? How about the fact, that player may be better than you. Really what I think it is, is that you're pissed that you kdr went down. This game is no longer about the objectives, its about how many kills you get.
In Team Death match and team defender I get it, the objective is to kill as many as the opposing team as possible. But in Domination or CTF, you are supposed to be capturing the flags.
Now to my favorite complaint, the type 95. This has to be the most bitched about gun in the game. I've heard that some people think its a "noob" gun that's OP and should be nerf and players that use it should get better on their own with out help for an OP gun. But the people cry about how OP it is won't take the time to get better and find a good strategy against it. I've killed plenty of people that use that gun, sure I've been killed just as much by it, but I'm not going to go cry to the developers about it.
Just something I figured was worth asking. Please comment, I am seriously interested in hearing from players
Why not just roll with th punches? Getting killed by that guy with the shotgun every time you turn around, so you complain about how OP the gun is? How about the fact, that player may be better than you. Really what I think it is, is that you're pissed that you kdr went down. This game is no longer about the objectives, its about how many kills you get.
In Team Death match and team defender I get it, the objective is to kill as many as the opposing team as possible. But in Domination or CTF, you are supposed to be capturing the flags.
Now to my favorite complaint, the type 95. This has to be the most bitched about gun in the game. I've heard that some people think its a "noob" gun that's OP and should be nerf and players that use it should get better on their own with out help for an OP gun. But the people cry about how OP it is won't take the time to get better and find a good strategy against it. I've killed plenty of people that use that gun, sure I've been killed just as much by it, but I'm not going to go cry to the developers about it.
Just something I figured was worth asking. Please comment, I am seriously interested in hearing from players
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
New screenshot of New map?
on Xbox's facebook they posted a pic of a new map called "Park" and it's coming to Elite premium xbox 360 members Jan. 24.
some more info here: link
some more info here: link
Sunday, December 18, 2011
New Public Playlists
some news on the new public playlists. According to Robert Bowling (aka @fourzerotwo)
here is the current list of stuff available:
The#MW3 playlist update is being pushed live on all platforms in the next 10 mins.
here is the current list of stuff available:
New Public Playlists for Modern Warfare 3
Friday, December 16th, we're updating the playlists on Modern Warfare 3 to introduce some new game modes as well as change up some existing ones.
The biggest change you'lll notice is the addition of Community Playlists. This is where we will add popular or unique private match modes to the public playlists, so you can start ranking up on them! The first playlist changes for Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer are listed below:
Get to the drop zone to earn points, the first team to 7500 points wins the round, but thats not all. As long as the Drop Zone is occupied, a care package will drop every 15 seconds, which ever team has the most members in the drop zone at that point "owns" the care package, but anyone can steal it. This is the only way to earn air support in this mode, all other pointstreaks are disabled. You'll earn 20 points per team member, for every second they're in the drop zone plus 20 XP individually for your time spent in the zone. Kills are worth 50 XP in this mode.
Custom Settings: Pointstreaks (besides those obtained through in-game care packages) are disabled.
Hardcore HQ Ricochet
We'll be adding Hardcore Headquarters to the Hardcore Team Tactical playlist.
Hardcore Ricochet
We'll be converting all Hardcore modes to Ricochet variant as a response to team killing. This means, any friendly fire, is applied to the attacker, rather than the victim. So choose your shots wisely and any attempt to team kill will simply kill yourself.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
New Friday Night Fights up at COD:ELITE
Watching it now. I do believe you need to be a premium member to watch the full video, but here's a taste of what happened this week.
COD: Elite
COD: Elite
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Why communication is key
Today I finally killed some one with an air drop trap. If he would have asked his teammates if they had an air drop in the same area, he would have saved himself the trouble and embarrassment of dying.
So, again, communicate with you team and you'll have a better chance of winning. You also might have a better chance of not hearing how much the team sucks by fellow teammates after the match.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Mics and calling things out.
Here's the deal, people need to start using their mics in public games. You can't come in, lose a round then claim everyone else is a horrible player if you can't have common courtesy and let people know where you see the other team.
It is a team based game. Its really easy to click your mic on and start communicating.
Don't have a mic, check gamestop.com or amazon.com they are not that expensive.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Team Defender
Two teams battle to control a flag, if your team possesses the flag, it gives you double points.
One mistake I see people make is that they go for the flag carrier. While this is sort of good tactics at the same time its not. While you're worrying about controling the flag you'll be getting slaughtered by the other team's players who don't have the flag.
If you don't have the flag don't focus on the flag carrier, focus on those who don't have it. you still get points but it just adds up slower. If you have the chance to obtain the flag, go for it, but not at the cost of your troops. This is more of a game of wits than point and shoot like Team Deathmatch.
Also if you start plucking off their players they might try and gather up and a nice grenade throw in that direction can give you those needed points to catch up.
If you have the flag, protect the carrier, don't bunch up in one spot but if you are in an area with multiple entrances, cover them, don't run off like a chicken with it's head cut off looking for people to kill, you're just going to run into a group of them and get killed.
Also don't block the flag carrier in a corner they maybe hiding in. Your map is there for a reason, use it.
a little example of what I'm talking about:
One mistake I see people make is that they go for the flag carrier. While this is sort of good tactics at the same time its not. While you're worrying about controling the flag you'll be getting slaughtered by the other team's players who don't have the flag.
If you don't have the flag don't focus on the flag carrier, focus on those who don't have it. you still get points but it just adds up slower. If you have the chance to obtain the flag, go for it, but not at the cost of your troops. This is more of a game of wits than point and shoot like Team Deathmatch.
Also if you start plucking off their players they might try and gather up and a nice grenade throw in that direction can give you those needed points to catch up.
If you have the flag, protect the carrier, don't bunch up in one spot but if you are in an area with multiple entrances, cover them, don't run off like a chicken with it's head cut off looking for people to kill, you're just going to run into a group of them and get killed.
Also don't block the flag carrier in a corner they maybe hiding in. Your map is there for a reason, use it.
a little example of what I'm talking about:
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Having trouble with the challenge "Goodbye"?
Here's a video that might help.
a clanmate posted this on the clan forums, so a thank you goes out to him.
a clanmate posted this on the clan forums, so a thank you goes out to him.
MW3 Updates coming.
Here's a link to a disscusion on the official forums about "Title Updates and Hot Fixes" I'm adding it below as well.
Hopefully the updates to the Spawn system fix the guys spawning behind me in Team Defender. Gets annoying after a bit, lol.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Update History (All Platforms included)
TU1: Enabled Theater, Vault, Private Match options, Elite and Facebook functionality for Launch Day.
TU2: Fix for YouTube video upload on SD TVs. Matchmaking Improvements.
TU3: Theater Improvements (Fix to FF and RW in Theater), LAG improvements, Improvements to Hot Fix system.
TU4: Change to address hitching and lag in gameplay.
TU5: Further improvements for hitching and addressing lag in gameplay.
TU6: Additional improvements to address lag. Fix for Melee Jump. Clan Tag Validation (remove buttons from clan tags). Improve Host Migration logic. Prevent stat loss when player loses connection from server (internet pull / drop).
TU7: Improvement to address "Host Disadvantage" / "Lag Compensation" that caused hosts with good connections to be hindered. Plus ability to hot fix additional tweaks based on user feedback to this change.
Hot Fix Updates (Released):
No Recoil glitch
Infinite Laptop killstreak glitch (Stealth Bomber Glitch)
Map Exploits (Getting into trucks, under maps) Fix
Prevent Slow-mo and Super Fast lobbies
Fire rate normalization for Assault Rifles with undermounts
FMG9 Re-balancing (Nerf)
Akimbo FMG9 Re-balancing (Nerf)
Type95 Re-balancing (Nerf) - Reduce hipspread.
Fix for ACR with Red Dot / Shotgun
Fix Type 95 bug related to dropping it.
Fix map exploits on Dome
PS3 Hitmarker Sound
Adjust direct impact damage a Semtex does to a Juggernaut (No longer 1 hit kill)
Improvements to "weighted matchmaking" to improve games for regions with low populations.
Re-balancing and Updates currently in Development and/or Discussion:
Updates to the Spawn system
Improvement to PS3 Mic Quality.
Several improvements to theater cued up for January release including HD rendering on PS3.
Fix for Shotgun's with Extended Mags (Prevents them from shooting more pellets than intended)
Default :30 Round Start timer for System Link only, while looking into adjustable timer for System Link games for Competitive Play.
Options to allow System Link players to 'unlock all' for competitive play in System Link only.
Hopefully the updates to the Spawn system fix the guys spawning behind me in Team Defender. Gets annoying after a bit, lol.
New XBOX Dashboard update.
In case you didn't know microsoft is releasing a dashboard update today. Here's a link to what Marc Whitten said about it.
side note: i like how one of the commenters wrote :
Like Microsoft or anyone on the Xbox team has anything to say about Netflix or hulu's subscription costs.
side note: i like how one of the commenters wrote :
"What I do not like is the fact that everything is an additional payed subscription.
let me explain.
1. XBOX Live subscription
3. HULU subscription
and more to come. It is getting alittle to expensive to keep up with XBOX excpecially in these hard times."
Like Microsoft or anyone on the Xbox team has anything to say about Netflix or hulu's subscription costs.
Monday, December 5, 2011
League SNAFU
Tried to play a league game tonight with the clan, but for some reason couldn't get all ten players into a party, it would only allow 9. We did have 2 people on split screen. Not sure what was going on. I guess we have a few people looking into it. We're going to try later this week, hopefully we can get it working next time.
Probably for the best though, haven't slept since 4 or 5 pm yesterday. Gonna go and get some sleep now. Currently at level 73 in prestige 1. 7 more levels to go, I wonder what I should spend my prestige token on.
Happy Gaming.
Probably for the best though, haven't slept since 4 or 5 pm yesterday. Gonna go and get some sleep now. Currently at level 73 in prestige 1. 7 more levels to go, I wonder what I should spend my prestige token on.
Happy Gaming.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Clan Rewards
I got this off of Elite and it shows what you can expect from helping your clan level
Clan Level | Reward |
1 | Clan Background Pack 1 - Leaderboard - Clan Challenges - Clan Operations - Roster - Feed |
3 | Clan Background Pack 2 |
5 | Clan MW3 Title 1 - Clan Emblem Generator - Clan Motto On MW3 Title |
7 | Emblem Generator Pack 2 |
10 | 2 Hours of Double XP - Clan Background Pack 3 - Gold Clan Tag |
12 | Emblem Generator Pack 3 |
15 | Clan MW3 Title 2 - Emblem Generator Pack 4 |
18 | Clan Background Pack 4 |
20 | 4 Hours of Double XP Emblem Generator Pack 5 |
23 | Clan Background Pack 5 |
25 | Emblem Generator Pack 6 |
28 | Clan Background Pack 6 |
30 | Clan MW3 Title 3 - 6 Hours of Double XP - Emblem Generator Pack 7 |
33 | Clan Background Pack 7 |
35 | Emblem Generator Pack 8 |
38 | Clan Background Pack 8 |
40 | Clan MW3 Title 4 - 8 Hours of Double XP - Emblem Generator Pack 9 |
45 | Clan Background Pack 9 |
48 | Emblem Generator Pack 10 |
50 | MW3 Prestige Token - Clan MW3 Title 5 - 24 Hours of Double XP - Clan Background Pack 10 |
Some people say that camping is bad, and some say it's tactical. I think it's both. It all depends on what game mode you're on. For Kill Confirmed, it's unnecessary, you are supposed to be collecting the tags. So, if you have 20+ kills but you only collected 3 tags, kinda pointless. But in a game mode like Domination it's what you should be doing. You are supposed to protect your flags.
I've had my share of frustration trying to kill some one that's camping a spot, but I'm not going to bitch and moan about it. If it happens too often I'll either avoid that area or leave when the match is over.
here's some spots if you are looking to camp, or want to kill some campers
this is part 2 i don't know what it says part 3
to camp or not to camp, it's your choice. This is where I think KDR is more important to people, than actually playing the game the way it was intended. Each mode requires a different style of play. So in some cases, camping is a tactical play style.
Disagree with me if you like, this is just my opinion. Also, I don't usually camp, I suck at it. I try some times but usually once I get a kill from that position I move, because of kill cams the enemy knows where I am and can either snipe me out or shoot me from afar.
I've had my share of frustration trying to kill some one that's camping a spot, but I'm not going to bitch and moan about it. If it happens too often I'll either avoid that area or leave when the match is over.
here's some spots if you are looking to camp, or want to kill some campers
this is part 2 i don't know what it says part 3
to camp or not to camp, it's your choice. This is where I think KDR is more important to people, than actually playing the game the way it was intended. Each mode requires a different style of play. So in some cases, camping is a tactical play style.
Disagree with me if you like, this is just my opinion. Also, I don't usually camp, I suck at it. I try some times but usually once I get a kill from that position I move, because of kill cams the enemy knows where I am and can either snipe me out or shoot me from afar.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Some funny things I've seen in game
These are in Underground at the news stand at in the middle of the lobby area.

These are in Arkaden in a room across from the "B" flag.

These are in Arkaden in a room across from the "B" flag.

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